THIS: "everybody gets to choose the words they want to use when talking about themselves!"
I so agree, Tabitha. I'm sober but do not identify as "diseased" or as an "alcoholic" (although, like you, I support folks in calling themselves whatever they wish and understand that many find the disease model helpful - I'm just not one of those people).
The language we use has an impact - I love how you explain your own process in sorting through this and how it impacted your recovery.
THIS: "everybody gets to choose the words they want to use when talking about themselves!"
I so agree, Tabitha. I'm sober but do not identify as "diseased" or as an "alcoholic" (although, like you, I support folks in calling themselves whatever they wish and understand that many find the disease model helpful - I'm just not one of those people).
The language we use has an impact - I love how you explain your own process in sorting through this and how it impacted your recovery.